Saturday, 28 March 2009

Earth Hour 8:30~9:30pm Saturday

So this weekend Saturday evening has been designated 'Earth Hour', which means (theoretically) that people around the globe should be turning off their electricity for one hour in hopes of saving energy worldwide. More or less it is a symbolic measure adopted in order to increase the awareness of the need to be conservative with energy resources. The slogan is "Vote Earth: Your light switch is your vote!" and the idea behind it is a good beginning. But let's be clear, it is only that, a beginning. To check out the campaign visit the following link

Spread the news! Tell all your friends about it and try to promote this idea as much as you can. The more people that we can get thinking about this kind of active conservation the more significant effect it will have. It is great to see these types of initiatives becoming more popular and it shows that in general the awareness of the need to change is permeating human society.

Personally though I think that bolder initiatives need to be implemented. Why is it that 'Earth Hour' is a singular event? The true goal here is to make this sort of thing habitual. I would say that the aim should be to do this every day. It doesn't have to be a co-ordinated effort we can just look at our own schedules and figure out when we can fit in an hour of turning off all the lights and power in our houses. I'm a bit of a green-freak in is regard and before leaving the house I go around and turn off everything and unplug all the energy vampires (vacuum charger, computer, cell phone charger, TV, things like that). Epiphany: I like this idea so much that I am going to keep track of how many hours I can live electricity free in a week and report back on it.

Why not take this simple campaign and turn it into a life choice. Many of us are far too dependant on electric sources of entertainment. We run our computers for most of the day and burn valuable resources frivolously. I am going to try to be more conscious of making as many hours as possible "Earth Hours". Wanna join me?


  1. Hey Matt, I thought you'd like this pretty well made video, the story of stuff. Perhaps you've seen it before. Anyway, best wishes.

  2. Ack, a stupid semicolon messed up the link. Here:

  3. Jerry, Awesome link Bro... I really enjoyed it. I'll probably do a post about it soon... stay toned!
