So this weekend Saturday evening has been designated 'Earth Hour', which means (theoretically) that people around the globe should be turning off their electricity for one hour in hopes of saving energy worldwide. More or less it is a symbolic measure adopted in order to increase the awareness of the need to be conservative with energy resources. The slogan is "Vote Earth: Your light switch is your vote!" and the idea behind it is a good beginning. But let's be clear, it is only that, a beginning. To check out the campaign visit the following link
Spread the news! Tell all your friends about it and try to promote this idea as much as you can. The more people that we can get thinking about this kind of active conservation the more significant effect it will have. It is great to see these types of initiatives becoming more popular and it shows that in general the awareness of the need to change is permeating human society.
Personally though I think that bolder initiatives need to be implemented. Why is it that 'Earth Hour' is a singular event? The true goal here is to make this sort of thing habitual. I would say that the aim should be to do this every day. It doesn't have to be a co-ordinated effort we can just look at our own schedules and figure out when we can fit in an hour of turning off all the lights and power in our houses. I'm a bit of a green-freak in is regard and before leaving the house I go around and turn off everything and unplug all the energy vampires (vacuum charger, computer, cell phone charger, TV, things like that). Epiphany: I like this idea so much that I am going to keep track of how many hours I can live electricity free in a week and report back on it.
Why not take this simple campaign and turn it into a life choice. Many of us are far too dependant on electric sources of entertainment. We run our computers for most of the day and burn valuable resources frivolously. I am going to try to be more conscious of making as many hours as possible "Earth Hours". Wanna join me?
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Sorry for the mix up.
Please read the first part of the article on Electric scooters first... then move on to Electric scooters part 2...
I'm still getting the hang out it!
I'm still getting the hang out it!
Electric Scooters part 2
Interesting fact 2: there are already 10 million electric scooters on the roads in China and there is no reason to believe that this dramatic shift will not continue in the future.
The European market is opening up and there is no reason that Canada and America should not follow suit. The main reason that they are so popular in China right now boils down to one essential fact: they are a lot cheaper than their gluttonous counterparts. They cost less to purchase, to fuel and to maintain. In addition another obvious benifit within crowded cities is that they have no tail pipe emissions which is easy on the nose and the lungs and much better for everyone's health.
One of the common things that I hear 'nay-sayers' say when the topic of electric vehicles comes up is something to this effect, "Sure they don't let out any air pollution when you are driving them but then you have to charge them off your house, where do you think that energy is coming from... it's probably from a coal powered plant. It is putting just as much CO2 into the air as me driving my car!" I wanted to know the truth on this point so this is where I focused my research this week. I found a very useful article that has tonnes of information specifically on comparing electric scooters to other forms of transportation in China. If you want to check on the info first hand @
This extremely informative article points out that the key fact that should be considered is the Environmental impact per person per kilometer over the lifespan of the vehicle in question. Here is the meat and potatoes on the issue of overall CO2 emmisions (this means taking into consideration the CO2 produced in the power plants that are recharging the bikes through powering the home):
Car=> 306 grams of CO2 per person (pax) per kilometer
Bus => 48.4 grams of CO2 pax/kilo
Bicycle => 4.70 grams of CO2 pax/kilo
Electric Bike Model 1 (BSEB) => 22.08 grams of CO2 pax/ kilo
Electric Bike Model 2 (SSEB) => 30.44 grams of CO2 pax/ kilo
Clearly, not only do the two different models of electric bikes vastly outperform the common car in terms of environmental efficiency (they produce ten times less pollution than your standard gas driven motor) but they are also significantly these harmful to the environment that public buses. In fact the only form of transport shown to be less polluting in this study was the good old trusty pedal bike (my personal favorite).
The article goes on to outline other elements of pollution and the electric bike follow the same trend in all of the categories except for one. This is the area of lead pollution, which the bikes produce when their batteries need to be replaced. This is mainly due to the fact that older lead batteries are being used in the bikes that are being produced in China right now. With advances in battery technology, which are currently available (the new lithium batteries are amazing) this issue could be address and improved upon (and the efficiency of the bikes would most likely be greatly improved as well). One additional significant fact should also be noted with regards to the pollution for charging units like this coming from a coal burning factory; it is actually a very good thing to have that pollution centralized, because as carbon capture and storage techniques are improved isolated sites of pollution such as power plants can be dealt with whereas individual tail pipe CO2 is sent into the atmosphere indiscriminately, in the middle of the most populated urban centers of the world.
Basically it seems to me that there is no reason for everyone not to be purchasing and hopping on electric bikes. In fact I'm amazed that there is not a massive back order list for them in Canada and America right now.
Here are some sites with E-bikes for sale! (in Vancouver) (in Toronto) (for North America at large)
Think about it... gas guzzling cars should be put where they belong... in museums!
The European market is opening up and there is no reason that Canada and America should not follow suit. The main reason that they are so popular in China right now boils down to one essential fact: they are a lot cheaper than their gluttonous counterparts. They cost less to purchase, to fuel and to maintain. In addition another obvious benifit within crowded cities is that they have no tail pipe emissions which is easy on the nose and the lungs and much better for everyone's health.
One of the common things that I hear 'nay-sayers' say when the topic of electric vehicles comes up is something to this effect, "Sure they don't let out any air pollution when you are driving them but then you have to charge them off your house, where do you think that energy is coming from... it's probably from a coal powered plant. It is putting just as much CO2 into the air as me driving my car!" I wanted to know the truth on this point so this is where I focused my research this week. I found a very useful article that has tonnes of information specifically on comparing electric scooters to other forms of transportation in China. If you want to check on the info first hand @
This extremely informative article points out that the key fact that should be considered is the Environmental impact per person per kilometer over the lifespan of the vehicle in question. Here is the meat and potatoes on the issue of overall CO2 emmisions (this means taking into consideration the CO2 produced in the power plants that are recharging the bikes through powering the home):
Car=> 306 grams of CO2 per person (pax) per kilometer
Bus => 48.4 grams of CO2 pax/kilo
Bicycle => 4.70 grams of CO2 pax/kilo
Electric Bike Model 1 (BSEB) => 22.08 grams of CO2 pax/ kilo
Electric Bike Model 2 (SSEB) => 30.44 grams of CO2 pax/ kilo
Clearly, not only do the two different models of electric bikes vastly outperform the common car in terms of environmental efficiency (they produce ten times less pollution than your standard gas driven motor) but they are also significantly these harmful to the environment that public buses. In fact the only form of transport shown to be less polluting in this study was the good old trusty pedal bike (my personal favorite).
The article goes on to outline other elements of pollution and the electric bike follow the same trend in all of the categories except for one. This is the area of lead pollution, which the bikes produce when their batteries need to be replaced. This is mainly due to the fact that older lead batteries are being used in the bikes that are being produced in China right now. With advances in battery technology, which are currently available (the new lithium batteries are amazing) this issue could be address and improved upon (and the efficiency of the bikes would most likely be greatly improved as well). One additional significant fact should also be noted with regards to the pollution for charging units like this coming from a coal burning factory; it is actually a very good thing to have that pollution centralized, because as carbon capture and storage techniques are improved isolated sites of pollution such as power plants can be dealt with whereas individual tail pipe CO2 is sent into the atmosphere indiscriminately, in the middle of the most populated urban centers of the world.
Basically it seems to me that there is no reason for everyone not to be purchasing and hopping on electric bikes. In fact I'm amazed that there is not a massive back order list for them in Canada and America right now.
Here are some sites with E-bikes for sale! (in Vancouver) (in Toronto) (for North America at large)
Think about it... gas guzzling cars should be put where they belong... in museums!
Alternatives: Transportation
The Electric Scooter versus Other Forms of Transportation.
This week I've decided to take a look at some of the ways that we choose to get around and compare how they affect the envirnoment. This post is brought on by a recent trip to China. Over the winter break my wife, my good friend Rob and I were lucky enough to go to southern China and explore a few of the provinces there. We traveled for just over three weeks before heading north to Beijing to hook up with my folks. For me one of the most impressive things that I encountered on this journey were the signs of 'Green Alternatives' that seem to be popping up even in the rural districts of Southern China. We saw tonnes of solar heating cells, mostly for heating up water, some self operating off grid innovations in the area of things like street lights, but the most noticable and prevalent alternative option that Chinese people seem to be taking advantage of is the recent evolution of the electric scooter, which is literally running rampant from Yunnan to Guangdong.
I first noticed them in Guilin city. Sleek and silent they zipped by us emmitting nothing more than a soothing purr. They literally sound like happy cats! And it was a welcome relief compared with the smoky congestion that we encountered in Honk Kong and ShenZhen. At fist I thought it must be an anomoly of the region but as we pushed south and then west we kept descrying more and more of them. I vowed to do it little research when I got home and this week set about doing just that. In particular I was interested to find out how electric scooters compared to other forms of motorized transportation. 'There must be a reason that there are thousands of them on the streets and highways of rural south China' I thought. Interestingly enough it is not a trend that is taking off in China but encouragingly is spreading far and wide, from Europe to India to Canada and beyond (indeed my sister's husband's wife has recently purchased an electric pedal bike combo {way to go Rick!} and though he's encountered a few issues it is a move in the right direction.)
In my search for 'hard and fast' evidence I uncovered some intersting facts when it comes to the issues of electric vehicles in general. Here are just a few of them:
Interesting fact 1: Gas powered motors do not actually outperform their modern electric conterparts. In the past this was true, but with the new lithium batteries and improved motor components the electrics have caught up and in some cases are surpassing their gas guzzling (dirty sticky polluting) cousins.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Red, Red, Red...GREEN!
In my 32 years of life I cannot remember a time when things looked so bleak. The world economy is crumbling. Stocks continue to plummet. The polar ice caps and glaciers of the world are melting at an alarming rate. Weather patterns are shifting with serious ramifications. Global Warming is rearing its head like a particularly determined immune response set on destroying the virulent disease that threatens continued life on Earth: namely us. And for all the dramatic and terrifying treads that surround us people just seem to be carrying on their daily business as though everything is unchanged (or unchangeable)... almost. Most of the people that I talk to, whether it be friends and family, or the students in my English classes do seem to have a growing awareness of the confluence of problems are getting so serious that they will challenge the way we live life, but they just don't have any ideas about what it to be done.
I'm by no means an expert, but I do see some possible solutions. To me it seems clear that the time has come for humanity to take a new tack. What we are doing now is not sustainable and if we continue unaltered I am 100% positive that it will result in the demise of our civilization. Perhaps not today, perhaps not even in my lifetime; but our children and our children's children will have hard time not cursing our names if we don't stand up now and at least try to right the direction of the ship. As I see it three Reds equal Green.
Let me explain. First the Global economy is in the red. As we have seen over the last several months the destabilization of the American economy has trickled down into various subsidiary markets around the globe, including Korea (where I currently reside). Stocks have lost their value and generally people are feeling scared and have lost their confidence in our current economic system. Red number one.
Second, over the past several months our dependence of fossil fuels, such as oil, as a primary source of energy to power the glut of human consumption has been made flagrantly obvious. I would say that oil resources are in the red, but by this I mean something a little different; oil money is blood money, red money. If anyone wishes to argue take a look at Iraq. We must break the hold of this substance over us. It is like a species wide drug addiction and it is not healthy, not for us and not for the planet. As the trends over the last year show oil prices are manipulated based not necessarily by pure supply and demand but more by what the oil barons think they can charge for it. Prices soar until people feel that it can not be borne and then when they start looking for alternative sources of energy, suddenly, magically, the prices drop again. Frankly, I find it amazing that people in general stand for it. Very risky business that (the oil barons should read a little more history, specifically the pre-French revolution period might interest them a little; but humans have a penchant for repeating mistakes). Red oil: Red number two.
Finally, and most importantly, the Earth, as a system, is running dangerously close to redlining. I am talking about the sensitive balance of the global ecosystem. Around the world temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting, rain fall patterns are shifting, desertification is spreading (trust me, research the growth of the Gobi, or come to Korea in March and April to see the "Yellow Winds" that blow hear all the way from the Gobi desert hundreds of kilometers away), deforestation and massive forest fires are causing large scale soil erosion and releasing untold amounts of carbon dioxide into the already over burdened atmosphere, wetlands and reefs are bleaching and dying and thousands of species of wildlife are going extinct even as you read this. It is time for us to wake up! Let's be real we need to shift our concerns from our stock portfolios to the continuation of our family lines. If we don't start to make a change now then it will be too late.
However, hope is not lost (if you don't know me I'm actually a glass is half full kind of guy). There are solutions to these salient issues. In fact, I see a common thread in all three of the Reds that I have pointed out above. Namely, if we make a bold move to switch our focus to Green energy it can, I think, address the stunning multiplicity of problems we are facing (personally I moved the focus of my own personal investments into green and sustainable energy this past summer and I am going to keep investing in the vital sector, because I think that if enough people make this move it will force industry to respond. Small fingers turn the wheels while the mighty look elsewhere). In particular, I would love to see Korea become a world leader in the area of Green technology development. I think that off all the industrialized nations if anyone can do it Korea can (Canada I would love to see you prove me wrong on this one: step up and make it happen!). Look at the baffling progress that Koreans have made in the past fifty years, going from being one of the poorest countries in the world to being one of the most industrially developed and economically powerful. It is truly one of the Tigers of the Asian market. In addition, Korea has some of the leading scientists in the areas of engineering, computer technology and nuclear energy. Surely if it is possible to excel in this advanced areas of science then green tech should be a snap.
On an individual level we should be investing our capital in solar power, wind power, tidal flow energy (these are all free and sustainable sources of energy, once the initial investment is made). As well as lobbying for massively increasing fuel efficiency in current fossil fuel industries (with an emphasis of developing options like electric cars and scooters, more on this to come). We absolutely must but more pressure on our governments with letters, emails, petitions and protests showing them what we want them to do to clean up the world. I believe that this truly is what the citizens of the planet want, a Green future; we need to show our leaders that they must do it! We should be studying and researching new developments that are taking place around the world and teaching our children, the generation of tomorrow, what these changes are and how they can help to fix the problems of today. It's not too late to make a change. Start today. Find out something that you can do in your home community and take action to make a personal difference.
I'm by no means an expert, but I do see some possible solutions. To me it seems clear that the time has come for humanity to take a new tack. What we are doing now is not sustainable and if we continue unaltered I am 100% positive that it will result in the demise of our civilization. Perhaps not today, perhaps not even in my lifetime; but our children and our children's children will have hard time not cursing our names if we don't stand up now and at least try to right the direction of the ship. As I see it three Reds equal Green.
Let me explain. First the Global economy is in the red. As we have seen over the last several months the destabilization of the American economy has trickled down into various subsidiary markets around the globe, including Korea (where I currently reside). Stocks have lost their value and generally people are feeling scared and have lost their confidence in our current economic system. Red number one.
Second, over the past several months our dependence of fossil fuels, such as oil, as a primary source of energy to power the glut of human consumption has been made flagrantly obvious. I would say that oil resources are in the red, but by this I mean something a little different; oil money is blood money, red money. If anyone wishes to argue take a look at Iraq. We must break the hold of this substance over us. It is like a species wide drug addiction and it is not healthy, not for us and not for the planet. As the trends over the last year show oil prices are manipulated based not necessarily by pure supply and demand but more by what the oil barons think they can charge for it. Prices soar until people feel that it can not be borne and then when they start looking for alternative sources of energy, suddenly, magically, the prices drop again. Frankly, I find it amazing that people in general stand for it. Very risky business that (the oil barons should read a little more history, specifically the pre-French revolution period might interest them a little; but humans have a penchant for repeating mistakes). Red oil: Red number two.
Finally, and most importantly, the Earth, as a system, is running dangerously close to redlining. I am talking about the sensitive balance of the global ecosystem. Around the world temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting, rain fall patterns are shifting, desertification is spreading (trust me, research the growth of the Gobi, or come to Korea in March and April to see the "Yellow Winds" that blow hear all the way from the Gobi desert hundreds of kilometers away), deforestation and massive forest fires are causing large scale soil erosion and releasing untold amounts of carbon dioxide into the already over burdened atmosphere, wetlands and reefs are bleaching and dying and thousands of species of wildlife are going extinct even as you read this. It is time for us to wake up! Let's be real we need to shift our concerns from our stock portfolios to the continuation of our family lines. If we don't start to make a change now then it will be too late.
However, hope is not lost (if you don't know me I'm actually a glass is half full kind of guy). There are solutions to these salient issues. In fact, I see a common thread in all three of the Reds that I have pointed out above. Namely, if we make a bold move to switch our focus to Green energy it can, I think, address the stunning multiplicity of problems we are facing (personally I moved the focus of my own personal investments into green and sustainable energy this past summer and I am going to keep investing in the vital sector, because I think that if enough people make this move it will force industry to respond. Small fingers turn the wheels while the mighty look elsewhere). In particular, I would love to see Korea become a world leader in the area of Green technology development. I think that off all the industrialized nations if anyone can do it Korea can (Canada I would love to see you prove me wrong on this one: step up and make it happen!). Look at the baffling progress that Koreans have made in the past fifty years, going from being one of the poorest countries in the world to being one of the most industrially developed and economically powerful. It is truly one of the Tigers of the Asian market. In addition, Korea has some of the leading scientists in the areas of engineering, computer technology and nuclear energy. Surely if it is possible to excel in this advanced areas of science then green tech should be a snap.
On an individual level we should be investing our capital in solar power, wind power, tidal flow energy (these are all free and sustainable sources of energy, once the initial investment is made). As well as lobbying for massively increasing fuel efficiency in current fossil fuel industries (with an emphasis of developing options like electric cars and scooters, more on this to come). We absolutely must but more pressure on our governments with letters, emails, petitions and protests showing them what we want them to do to clean up the world. I believe that this truly is what the citizens of the planet want, a Green future; we need to show our leaders that they must do it! We should be studying and researching new developments that are taking place around the world and teaching our children, the generation of tomorrow, what these changes are and how they can help to fix the problems of today. It's not too late to make a change. Start today. Find out something that you can do in your home community and take action to make a personal difference.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
10 Green Acts
Recently while watching the National on CBC I saw a piece on how the CBC had challenged viewers across Canada to perform 'one million acts of green' I thought that this was a really great idea and decided to take it to the next level. Over the past week I have been trying to perform 10 green acts each day. The overall goal is to change the way that I live and the way that I think about the resources that I am using on a daily basis. In truth I think the biggest problem with regards to being environmentally economic is not a lack of will but rather not knowing where to start or what to do. The first thing that I did was to think about the resources that I use and therefore could try to conserve. What I came up with was mind numbing simple: water and electricity. On top of these two biggies there are other things like paper (being a teacher this one can add up), plastics (bags and what not) and the killer, the dreaded fossil fuels. I began to think about what I could do on a personal level to try to be more frugal with these important resources.
Here's my list:
Matt's 10 Daily Green Acts:
1. I've begun timing my showers: that's right I know it sounds crazy, but if I realized that if I could even shave 3 or 4 minutes off my daily shower time that over the course of a year, and then beyond, it would amount to massive savings in water and in the long run on all of the carbon needed to heat the water. Keep in mind that an average family in India exists on 50 liters of water a day (that's for eight people to wash, drink and do dishes and laundry). I was amazed at what I accomplished in just over a week. I timed my showers (how long the water was running) the average was about nine mintues of water use. Then I tried to cut it down as much as possible. I've come up with a pretty good, simple, water saving system. I get wet, turn of the water and soup up, then I rinse off. My personal best time is 1:58! With my average (including water heat up time) at around 2:50. This is a huge improvement from 9 minutes.
2. Plastic bags: one of the things that really drives me crazy this flagrant wasteful use of plastic bags that is happening on such a massive scale around the globe. Every time that I go out to get groceries over here in Korea for each new item that I buy a small black plastic bag is presented to me to carry my goods. I thought to myself, "even if I just carry seven or eight of these things around in my backpack then I'll never have to waste another plastic bag". I've begun doing this and made a personal vow to try my hardest not to support frivolous use of plastics bags... a campaign that is actually becoming rather wide spread around the world. Check out this link. (do a search for 'Edward Norton: Bag the Bag').
3. Appliances: (the use of electricity): another common and overlooked problem that I am trying to make part of my daily ritual is to turn off and unplug all of the appliances in my house before I go to bed (or even when I know I'm not going to be using them for an extended period of time) . I recently found out that if you don't unplug your appliances even if they are turned on they are still using some energy. Now I go around before going to bed and unplug everything that I can. Also in the future whenever I have to by new appliances I am going to make sure that I ask which options are the most eco-friendly and use my consumer dollars to support such products.
4. Transportation: This is a big one. Especially for people who live in the countryside or in massive countries like Canada and the US, but I really believe that if people start to make a commitment to more energy efficient forms of transportation that the companies that make these products will respond in kind. Personally, I am very lucky because I live close enough to work to walk, but even when I am moving around in Seoul I always make sure to travel by public rail or at very least bus. My wife and I rarely travel by car. This is a habit that I am committed to try and keep alive, even when I move back to Canada.
5. CFL (The amazing Compact Florescent Lightbulb): If you aren't using them yet you really should be. Said to be "the bulb that can help save the planet" there is really no reason why every household, business, government office and basically every light socket on the planet should not house a CFL. The stats are pretty impressive, when compared to a conventional light bulb. Here are just a few... (i) if every household in America changed just one bulb in their house to a CFL it would be the equivalent of taking a million cars off the road over a year. And (ii) each CFL that you switch on, in place of the old heat-making carbon-sucking waste-monger conventional light bulb, would prevent 1000lbs of CO2 greenhouse emission from being released into the atmosphere. On top of this (iii) they last 10 times longer than conventional bulbs! Join the lightbulb revolution! Think green; think CFL.
6. Internet use: another big one that most people don't usually think about, I know that I didn't until recently, is how much energy we burn while using the Internet use. For every window that you keep opened with Internet Explorer or Firefox there is another computer, or more likely a series of computers buzzing and humming away to provide you with that Internet connection. It is kind of like leaving the lights on in your house when you go out or leaving the tap running when you brush your teeth; essentially it is unnecessary waste. So from now on when I am not using a website I close the window down. Be conservative with this resource just as you would with any other.
7. RECYCLE EVERYTHING: This one is a bit of a no brainer but you'd be surprised how much of what you can throw out can actually be recycled and used again. Do a little bit of research about your local recycling system and what can be recycled. If you aren't happy with what the local infrastructure is doing and want more action taken write letters to your local government representative. Given your concerns a voice. If we don't voice our opinions then they are never heard.
8. Free Environmental Donations: there are 3 websites that I visit each day, from as many computers as I can, where I can click on certain 'buttons' that make automatic donations from the sponsors of each page. This is a quick, easy, free way to help some interested corporations add some of their mega-dollar-muscle to the cause of trying to make a difference. Check these websites out, favorite them and visit them everyday. It takes about 3 minutes to do and I always feel a little bit better afterwards.,,
9. Purchase Personal Carbon Offsets: this is a way for all of us environmental hardcores to put our money where our mouths are. If you are preaching ecological sustainability but driving a hummer the hypocrisy no longer has to drive you insane. You can go online and google 'personal carbon offsets' and entire bevy of websites will pop up that will allow you to pay to offset the carbon that you cannot avoid using for transportation and travel. I am planning to use this kind of personal offset to compensate from the CO2 used when I fly back to Canada or just when I go traveling in general. Research the options and find a site that fits you; this is a great way to offset emissions.
10. Research, Learn more and Teach: this last one is one of my favorites. It is something that I am constantly trying to do. The more that I can learn about helping the environment the more action I can take; and the more people who I teach this knowledge to, hopefully, the greater the overall effect will be. I had one student tell me last semester that he was truly touched by the passion that he felt when I was teaching about sustainability and the challenges that face humanity in the near future. It felt really great to make an impact and it is part of the reason that I have started this forum. In an attempt to reach more people.
If you have anything to add, any personal things that you do that I could start doing please comment!
Here's my list:
Matt's 10 Daily Green Acts:
1. I've begun timing my showers: that's right I know it sounds crazy, but if I realized that if I could even shave 3 or 4 minutes off my daily shower time that over the course of a year, and then beyond, it would amount to massive savings in water and in the long run on all of the carbon needed to heat the water. Keep in mind that an average family in India exists on 50 liters of water a day (that's for eight people to wash, drink and do dishes and laundry). I was amazed at what I accomplished in just over a week. I timed my showers (how long the water was running) the average was about nine mintues of water use. Then I tried to cut it down as much as possible. I've come up with a pretty good, simple, water saving system. I get wet, turn of the water and soup up, then I rinse off. My personal best time is 1:58! With my average (including water heat up time) at around 2:50. This is a huge improvement from 9 minutes.
2. Plastic bags: one of the things that really drives me crazy this flagrant wasteful use of plastic bags that is happening on such a massive scale around the globe. Every time that I go out to get groceries over here in Korea for each new item that I buy a small black plastic bag is presented to me to carry my goods. I thought to myself, "even if I just carry seven or eight of these things around in my backpack then I'll never have to waste another plastic bag". I've begun doing this and made a personal vow to try my hardest not to support frivolous use of plastics bags... a campaign that is actually becoming rather wide spread around the world. Check out this link. (do a search for 'Edward Norton: Bag the Bag').
3. Appliances: (the use of electricity): another common and overlooked problem that I am trying to make part of my daily ritual is to turn off and unplug all of the appliances in my house before I go to bed (or even when I know I'm not going to be using them for an extended period of time) . I recently found out that if you don't unplug your appliances even if they are turned on they are still using some energy. Now I go around before going to bed and unplug everything that I can. Also in the future whenever I have to by new appliances I am going to make sure that I ask which options are the most eco-friendly and use my consumer dollars to support such products.
4. Transportation: This is a big one. Especially for people who live in the countryside or in massive countries like Canada and the US, but I really believe that if people start to make a commitment to more energy efficient forms of transportation that the companies that make these products will respond in kind. Personally, I am very lucky because I live close enough to work to walk, but even when I am moving around in Seoul I always make sure to travel by public rail or at very least bus. My wife and I rarely travel by car. This is a habit that I am committed to try and keep alive, even when I move back to Canada.
5. CFL (The amazing Compact Florescent Lightbulb): If you aren't using them yet you really should be. Said to be "the bulb that can help save the planet" there is really no reason why every household, business, government office and basically every light socket on the planet should not house a CFL. The stats are pretty impressive, when compared to a conventional light bulb. Here are just a few... (i) if every household in America changed just one bulb in their house to a CFL it would be the equivalent of taking a million cars off the road over a year. And (ii) each CFL that you switch on, in place of the old heat-making carbon-sucking waste-monger conventional light bulb, would prevent 1000lbs of CO2 greenhouse emission from being released into the atmosphere. On top of this (iii) they last 10 times longer than conventional bulbs! Join the lightbulb revolution! Think green; think CFL.
6. Internet use: another big one that most people don't usually think about, I know that I didn't until recently, is how much energy we burn while using the Internet use. For every window that you keep opened with Internet Explorer or Firefox there is another computer, or more likely a series of computers buzzing and humming away to provide you with that Internet connection. It is kind of like leaving the lights on in your house when you go out or leaving the tap running when you brush your teeth; essentially it is unnecessary waste. So from now on when I am not using a website I close the window down. Be conservative with this resource just as you would with any other.
7. RECYCLE EVERYTHING: This one is a bit of a no brainer but you'd be surprised how much of what you can throw out can actually be recycled and used again. Do a little bit of research about your local recycling system and what can be recycled. If you aren't happy with what the local infrastructure is doing and want more action taken write letters to your local government representative. Given your concerns a voice. If we don't voice our opinions then they are never heard.
8. Free Environmental Donations: there are 3 websites that I visit each day, from as many computers as I can, where I can click on certain 'buttons' that make automatic donations from the sponsors of each page. This is a quick, easy, free way to help some interested corporations add some of their mega-dollar-muscle to the cause of trying to make a difference. Check these websites out, favorite them and visit them everyday. It takes about 3 minutes to do and I always feel a little bit better afterwards.,,
9. Purchase Personal Carbon Offsets: this is a way for all of us environmental hardcores to put our money where our mouths are. If you are preaching ecological sustainability but driving a hummer the hypocrisy no longer has to drive you insane. You can go online and google 'personal carbon offsets' and entire bevy of websites will pop up that will allow you to pay to offset the carbon that you cannot avoid using for transportation and travel. I am planning to use this kind of personal offset to compensate from the CO2 used when I fly back to Canada or just when I go traveling in general. Research the options and find a site that fits you; this is a great way to offset emissions.
10. Research, Learn more and Teach: this last one is one of my favorites. It is something that I am constantly trying to do. The more that I can learn about helping the environment the more action I can take; and the more people who I teach this knowledge to, hopefully, the greater the overall effect will be. I had one student tell me last semester that he was truly touched by the passion that he felt when I was teaching about sustainability and the challenges that face humanity in the near future. It felt really great to make an impact and it is part of the reason that I have started this forum. In an attempt to reach more people.
If you have anything to add, any personal things that you do that I could start doing please comment!
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