I am starting this blog to add my voice to the growing chorus of people around the globe who are trying to do something to combat the growing environmental crisis that humanity faces. I have been an environmentalist since I was a small boy, not so much actively or consciously, but more or less just because I fell in love with the Earth as a child, running and swimming in the natural beauty of British Columbia, Canada. Lately I have had a growing sense of both hope and dread as I watched humanity pushing itself to what I see as the dangerous precipice of environmental destruction and therefore extinction. I have sat idly by for long enough and if this is all that I can do to make my voice heard then this much I will undertake.
The Earth is beautiful and I feel lucky to have the chance to live this life in this important time of crisis; I think that such catastrophe and danger (like the imminent danger that I perceive humans to be in now) is not only bad. We are creatures of survival, like all of the other organisms on the planet, and we will only evolve when forced to. I view the current global climate crisis as just such a force. If we don't adapt now our time left on the Earth as a species is limited. If we do hopefully we can grow our role to take on the mantle of what I think is our true duty on this planet: to be stewards and protectors who nurture and heal the Earth, guiding it to full bloom This is our chance. We must make our voices heard and convince the governments of the world that we require an environmentally friendly alternative of living to the destructive and solely consumptive option that is available to us now.
I know that so far this probably sounds like a bunch of hippy dippy bull. Ultimately I am a pragmatist. I thrive on action. I am sick and tired of hearing so many people complain about what our governments do but not taking any tangible action to try to affect change. I am done being one of the silent invisible whiners who wallows in lassitude and bitches from the sidelines. At the very least we have to stand up and scream: maybe then we will be heard!
"I have sat idly by for long enough and if this is all that I can do to make my voice heard then this much I will undertake."
ReplyDeleteIt certainly isn't all you can do, but it's a start. A good one, too.
Here are some popular environmental blogs I found on "technorati.com" - a page that ranks blogs and websites by popularity.
an environmental news feed:
and here's the technorati "environment" label search. http://technorati.com/tag/environment
Good start: keep it up.